The Unspoken Potential of Business Owners

The Unspoken Potential of Business Owners 

As a business owner you have an immense potential to earn far greater than if you stayed an employee for someone else. I have a feeling you already know this possibility is no secret. But do you realize the potential you have at your fingertips to positively influence this world? 

What was your reason for starting your business? If I were to guess, I think I’d be pretty accurate in assuming it was to make money. That is generally the most basic reason. For one reason or another, typical employment wasn’t for you, but you still needed a way to provide for yourself and your family.   

But what if I urged you to go a few steps further?  

Don’t just grow your business for your own gain, or even just for your clients, but grow it with the intent to provide a better world.  

To let that statement soak in a little bit, let me follow with this.  

I believe it is our individual duty in life to find a way to make the world a better place. Each one of us has a unique passion that helps fuel this world to improvement. Unfortunately, not everyone finds their passion or has the courage to follow it. But for those that do – they have a responsibility to use that for good!  

Because we are all different...that image of a “better world” will be different for everyone. And that’s ok! That’s how it should be. We all have our unique quirks and skills that can have a positive impact.  

So what exactly am I talking about? How can you use your business to improve the lives of those around you?  

I’m glad you asked.  

Think about what you’ve seen on the news in the past month, past year, past decade. It doesn’t matter, it’s all pretty repetitive. Budgets are being cut, money is being spent in the wrong places, debt continues to rise. Our financial stability as a country is risky. 

Our government has its hands full trying to find ways to provide assistance to those who need it. It’s time we come together as a country to fuel those organizations who are doing the most good. This is not a political post, I am not posting my views as a republican or democrat. I am posting my views as a human, a human with a passion to see us come together and help each other out.  

Educational organizations need our help. Health and Wellness organizations need our help. Public safety organizations need our help. Religious organizations need our help. (Insert passion of choice) needs our help. 

That is where you come in. You, as a successful business owner, you have followed your passion and created a successful and comfortable living. 

When I hear on the news the net worth of certain celebrities or well-known billionaires, my mind immediately goes to “Wow. Imagine the impact they would have on the education system if they invested their money back into the next generation…rather than buying that 4th mansion, boat, car, etc. Imagine the difference they could make.”  

There are many business owners, small and large, who donate to well-deserved organizations. Whether their motive is heart-felt or to receive a tax write-off, they are still doing a wonderful thing.  

But, let me give you this challenge.

Find your passion, the organization that speaks to your heart and let that motivate you to build a successful business. Change your mindset, instead of thinking, “If I do this many sales a month, I can take home this much.” Reframe it instead to, “If I do this many sales a month, I can have a great impact on (organization you believe in).” 

It’s amazing the positive energy and motivation when you stop working for yourself and start focusing on providing a better world.  



Let me put this on the personal level. 

I have a virtual bookkeeping company. I help those in ecommerce industries and service industries to become profitable so they can improve their clients’ lives. I love what I do. But my main passion and my main motivation for creating a successful business is so I can positively impact children who have been abandoned, feel hopeless and unloved. As a result, I have chosen to invest in Foster Care organizations. There are 3 organizations close to my heart – Foster Florida, Together We Rise and LOHADA in Tanzania. These three companies are bringing hope and life back into these kids who have had a hurtful beginning. I fully believe in the good work they are doing, and it fills me with joy knowing the more successful I am, the more I can fuel these organizations to continue their loving work.  

So where do you start?  

Here is my action plan for you:  

Find your passion  

Take some time to think about what you truly feel would make this world a better place, find a good & honest organization (big or small, non-profit or not) that is going after that passion and making a difference in peoples’ lives. 


Decide how you are going to invest  

Monetary investment? Decide on a monthly percentage to invest. You can start out small if you are still unsure, then decide to increase the percentage down the road. The more you talk with them, build a relationship with them, and stay aware of the services they are providing, then you will probably feel comfortable donating more.  


Time/Service? Maybe you don’t have the funds at the moment to feel like you’re making a “good enough” difference. Maybe they don’t necessarily need your financial assistance, but could really use some help with volunteers. Or you could donate your services to them. Whatever it is you currently offer your current clients, decide on a monthly amount of service you will donate to your organization of choice. 


Physical donations? Maybe the company you choose really just needs supplies. Let’s say you sell natural supplements to your clients and your organization of choice is a non-profit wellness clinic. Decide on a monthly amount you will donate to them.  

Contact the organization 

Let the organization know you are interested in investing in them. Ask them what areas they could use the most help. Come up with an action plan between the two of you. Stick to it. 


Whatever it is. You can help.  


As a business owner, you have an immense potential to create as much revenue as you are willing to work for. Use that hard work ethic and success to have a positive influence.  

Remember, each one of us has a passion with the potential to fuel this world to improvement. It’s not about how much you can make for your own gain…it’s about how much you can give. Switching to this mindset will create a win-win situation for you, as well as for the passion you are investing in.  

Stephanie Kubik